Magazine Publications


One of my greatest joys is translating someone’s passion about work into a personal statement. I love digging into what makes people tick. To have an artist, or anyone successful in what they do, thank me for “getting” what inspires and motivates them is the greatest compliment. I’ve met amazing people when assigned to write a profile on them. It’s all about listening.


With a Norwegian mother and a Hungarian father, I grew up traveling. I am my happiest at takeoff and at landing, or on a train, or even in the moment of purchasing my next ticket to somewhere new. When I land, I eat something particular to where I am and walk around in search of a market. There’s always a moment when you recognize, ah––here is what this place is. Getting to travel as part of my job is the perfect seasoning for what I already love.


I began my writing career reviewing restaurants for a Key West independent paper called Solares Hill. After seven years of weekly articles, I transitioned to publishing my own Key West Dining Guide in 2003, which evolved into the Key West Insider Guide. I also served as cuisine editor for Florida International and Miami magazines, and published on dining in numerous regional and national magazines, including Gourmet. Writing about food is really writing about life.

Health & Beauty

I am a certified yoga instructor and live on the path of wellness that includes baked goods, cheese and good wine. I’m also quite the seeker of body work and spa treatments, meaning that this is a well-researched category, both on a professional and a personal sphere.

Art & Interiors

My degree is in art history, and I’m a lover of beauty and design. Closely related to travel, my experience writing in this category is all about rejoicing in the world, the special things out there to see, and the amazing work people do for others to feel and to enjoy